Netherlands – Society for the Protection of Birds (VBN) has some great new resources to help conserve urban birds. You will need Google translate or another translation service to read them if you don’t read Dutch, but great info here:
Fact Sheets on Urban Bird Species–includes a calendar of things you can do throughout the year to help each bird, and details on plantings, housing, and feeding options for seven urban bird species, as well as guides for managing six different urban landscapes.
Nature Inclusive Building Toolbox–Including guidance for architects, project managers, developers, and local municipalities.
Greenbuilding Checklist–by filling out a checklist about the characteristics of you building or development, you can get guidelines on how to improve the structure and surroundings for birds.
Again, these resources are in Dutch, but represent some of the best thinking and efforts to integrate birds into the design and management of urban spaces. So well worth some time reviewing with the help of Google translate!