Year of the Starling in the Netherlands

Vogelbescherming Nederland (BirdLife Netherlands) is promoting 2014 as the Year of the Starling.  Here’s one of their promotional posters.


Starlings are urban exploiters, nesting in cities and foraging widely in a agricultural fields. They have declined by over 50% in many parts of Europe.

From 1984 to 2012, the breeding population in the Netherlands decreased by an average of 4% per year. As a result, there currently less than 40% of the population of the mid-eighties . The downward trend has slowed in the last decade, but still exceeds 2% per year.

Agricultural intensification has limited formerly abundant foods, and now they are faced with additional food losses caused by the neonicotinoid pesticides that are wiping out bees.

While not a species of conservation concern in North America, in their native Europe this vulnerable common bird bears watching and protecting.

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